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Sexual Self-Development Course

Foundation Module

The ICASA Sexual Self-Development Course is experiential and effective in deepening one’s own personal experience and understanding of intimacy, sensuality and sexual potential.

The Foundation Module explores intimate communication and caressing experiences. The practice of these exercises is transformative in terms of how beauty and pleasure is perceived and expressed, in consciousness, feelings and the body. Nudity is experienced at a conscious level and within a safe and deeply honouring environment.

The four-day ICASA Sexual Self-Development Course Foundation Module includes certification, four ICASA Workbooks, daily refreshments and a buffet lunch every day.

Course Content

There will be approximately 10 participants, of mixed gender, in the group.  Some participants are embarking on this course as the first step towards training as potential Professional Sexual Surrogate Partner or Mentor, while others are participating as a first step in resolving their own personal, emotional intimacy issues and anxieties.  This mix of genders, current level of self-awareness and sexual development provides an excellent authentic and non-judgmental environment.

Topics and Experiential Exercises include:

•  How to Establish Intimate Connection

•  Discovering the Feeling of Safety

•  Sexuality Without Anxiety

•  Sex That Heals

•  Development of Sexual Consciousness

•  Healing Self-Consciousness

•  Scientific Relaxation

•  How to Eliminate Performance Anxiety

•  Lowering Defences and Opening to Trust

•  Developing Concentration, Awareness and Will-Power

•  The Secrets of the Deeper Intimate Caress

•  Discovering the Body as Beauty

•  Establishing a Life-Long Relationship with Your Body

•  Connecting with Desire

•  Discovering Pleasure


Ongoing Training

This four-day course—the Sexual Self-Development Foundation Module—commences with the introduction session on the evening of 6th September 2017.  It can be a self-contained experience in its own right but is, in fact, the first of four such modules that follow the ICASA Ten Step Sexual Recovery Programme.  There is no obligation to participate in the following modules but successful completion of the Foundation Module qualifies you to apply for participation in all four.

Those who are training specifically to become Professional Sexual Surrogate Partners will be required to participate on all Sexual Self-Development Modules, plus an additional module specifically for further Sexual Surrogate Partner training.  Those training to become ICASA Mentors will be required to attend a further module following the Graduation Module.  The dates for the following three Sexual Self-Development modules are as follows:

Intermediate Module – Wednesday 5th October – Sunday 8th October 2017

Advanced Module – to be confirmed

Graduation Module – to be confirmed

Application Procedure

The four-day ICASA Sexual Self-Development Course Foundation Module costs £800 inclusive of VAT.

To apply for a place on this course please visit our contact page and complete the Course Application Form,
call ICASA on 01525 862 068 or email us at enquiries@icasa.co.uk


You will then be contacted by a member of the ICASA bookings team to complete your booking and reserve your place at this seminar

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