What are the popular misconceptions surrounding this controversial form of sexual therapy? How does it work? Who does it help? Why and how is it effective in solving sexual problems that are untreatable through conventional therapy?
What is a Sexual Surrogate Partner? What are they like? What skills, gifts or attributes do they possess? Why are there so few of them? Why is so little known of them? How does somebody become a Sexual Surrogate Partner?
Hear from David Brown, pioneer and Founder of the Centre for ICASA—the only Surrogate Partner Therapy Centre in Europe—
- How it all began twenty-five years ago
- How the tabloid press in the UK tried to destroy him, his family and the work in this country
- How Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy in the UK has since helped over a thousand men and women to overcome fear of intimacy, performance anxiety and sexual dysfunctions that could not have been treated effectively through any other form of therapy
This Seminar Explodes the Myths, Explores the Mystery
and Explains Surrogate Partner Therapy
- Are you currently working in a therapeutic field, or as a sex educator or sex coach?
- Do you have clients with sexual problems at the heart of their life-controlling anxieties or other issues?
- Are you interested in becoming a Sexual Surrogate Partner?
- Do you feel that this is the work that you are truly suited to?
- Have you heard or read about Sexual Surrogate Partners in the past and thought …“I would be good at that…”
- Do you suffer from fear of intimacy, performance anxiety, sexual problems or dysfunctions
- Have you tried to find practical and effective help, but nothing has really worked for you?
If so, the next step towards discovering the answers, is only a click away
At this unique one-day seminar, you will learn and discover:
- How Surrogate Partner Therapy began in the UK
- The Greatest Fear
- The Root of Performance Anxiety
- The Ten Deadly Sexual Problems
- The Problem of Men and Women
- The Broken Philosophy
- The Profile of a Sexual Surrogate Partner
- The Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy Programme
- Love, Dependency and Authenticity in Surrogate Partner Therapy
- Is This Another Form of Prostitution?
- Married Clients
- The Answers to All Your Questions
- And more…
“What do I consider to be a successful outcome of Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy? That the client is happy…that he or she feels genuinely ready for life…it’s the absence of fear…the ability to make choices.” David Brown
To request a place at this One-Day Seminar or for further details, please go to the Contact page of this website and submit your enquiry or complete the relevant booking form
You will then be contacted by a member of the ICASA bookings team to complete your booking and reserve your place at this seminar