ICASA Mentors are motivated by their desire to share their knowledge; compassionate, and possess the attributes of a good ‘guide’. Our mentors are committed to guiding and empowering clients to develop their own strengths, beliefs, and personal attributes through the ICASA Sexual Recovery Programme.  At The Centre for ICASA the Mentor is responsible to the Principal of ICASA.


The role of an ICASA Mentor is to:

  • Guide the client through the steps of the ICASA Sexual Recovery Programme in such a way that the client feels safe and understands the principles, purpose and boundaries of each step of the programme
  • Describe the relevant intimacy experiences and the homework exercises appropriate to the client
  • Identify where the client may be experiencing difficulties in resolving issues related to the presenting complaint
  • Review the progress of each client with the supervising ICASA Therapist at regular case study meetings
  • Report the content, progress and outcome of therapy sessions effectively to the supervising ICASA Therapist
  • Provide first-line supervision for surrogate partners to process their emotional or practical needs before, during and following therapy sessions.
  • Explain clearly to the surrogate partner the relevant ICASA programme step and particular emphasis relating to the client’s personal before commencement of the physical intimacy aspect of a therapy session
  • Report the therapeutic progress of clients effectively to the supervising ICASA Therapist and/or ICASA Principal through written case notes
  • Arrange for additional therapeutic interventions from appropriate ICASA Therapists where appropriate and required
  • Ensure that the client and surrogate partner provides effective and adequate journals and case notes following every therapy session
  • Keep effective records and case notes to the required standard as established by the Centre for ICASA and set down in the Induction Training Course and Mentor manual

Mentor Training

Induction Training

Trainees accepted onto this stage of training must have completed the ICASA Sexual Self-Development and Surrogate Partner Training Courses.

The Role of the Mentor 

  • Self awareness and containment during sexual touching Breath-work and Bodywork
  • Essence of the Mentor-Client relationship
  • Connection with sexual energy
  • Love; it’s effects and implications
  • Lovemaking
  • Orgasms and ejaculation issues
  • Closure and emotional management
  • Individual assessments
  • Graduation
  • Internships and practicalities


Mentor Training graduates receive a certificate authenticating successful completion of the ICASA Induction Training Course.
Interns will be invited to work on a part-time professional basis, under supervision with a senior member of the ICASA therapeutic team.

After successful completion of at least twelve months supervised internship, qualified ICASA  Mentors receive certification to show that he or she has attained the level required by ICASA to be recognised as a qualified Mentor.
ICASA Mentors who have successfully completed a twelve month Internship may be offered a contract to work at the Centre for ICASA for a further twelve month period, renewable at the end of each contracted period.


At the completion of a suitable period of contracted engagement, accreditation is the next stage for  graduates, enabling them to work as integral part of an independent regional surrogate partner therapy centre in conjunction with an ICASA Therapist.
ICASA will then potentially refer clients to such accredited therapist/surrogate partner teams and, additionally, such teams may attract referrals through their own initiatives.

Post Graduate Training

Further team training, seminars, workshops and conferences to deepen the skills, understanding and effectiveness of surrogate partners, facilitators, therapists and mentors will become available to meet the training needs of practicing ICASA Surrogate Partners, Mentors and Therapists.

Mentor Applicants:

  • Preferred age group 45-65
  • Appropriate life experience
  • Stable and fulfilling relationship history
  • Emotionally and intellectually mature
  • Sensitive and caring nature
  • Reliability and self disciplined
  • Ability to communicate clearly in verbal and written expression
  • Skilled, or suited to, active listening
  • Comfortable with own sexuality
  • Non-judgemental attitude regarding sexual lifestyles;
  • Tolerant and inclusive towards other cultures, religions, world-views and sexuality
  • Therapeutic and/or counselling experience and/or relevant formal qualifications helpful, although not essential