Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy (Download)

Original price was: £15.Current price is: £10.

 In ‘Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy’, David Brown demystifies the conjecture and controversy of Surrogate Partner Therapy, which is an effective way to resolve psychogenic sexual problems and dysfunctions – even the otherwise ‘untreatable’ conditions created by fear of intimacy, performance anxiety and sexual insecurities and phobias.

‘Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy’ is honest and genuine – clearly aimed not just to inform but to inspire – and it succeeds through the sensitivity of the words written and the subject discussed, which embraces rather than confuses those reading it. In short, the book unpatronisingly treats the reader as an adult, in what is after all an adult subject to discuss.


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“What do I consider as a successful outcome of Surrogate Partner Therapy?  That the client is happy…that he or she feels genuinely ready for life…it’s the absence of fear…the ability to make choices”. – David Brown

  • What is a Surrogate Partner?  
  • What are the popular misconceptions?  
  • What attributes or gifts do they possess?  
  • Why are there so few of them?  
  • Why are so little known about them?  
  • How does somebody become a Surrogate Partner? 

The strength of this book is its simplicity. A subject like Surrogate Partner Therapy is a daunting one for any uninitiated reader, but far from being an academic tome that is technical and lecturing, the chapters and prose are easy to understand and engage the reader in an almost conversational style – where the reader is provided with some answers but is also left challenged to ask more questions of the author, and perhaps more importantly, themselves too.

In discussing and detailing the concept and implication of Surrogate Partner Therapy, David strips the process into stages which do not overburden the reader with terminology. Noticeably, the book does not contain many references to sex in its crudest and stereotypical form, a fact that will be an undoubted disappointment to any reader seeking some sort of titillation.

A chapter containing case studies of clients who have benefited from Surrogate Partner Therapy is respectfully written and necessary for the reader to appreciate the practical problems that can exist and the solutions that lie within. Another chapter chronicles frequently asked questions – and some perhaps rarely discussed – which gives the reader the opportunity to debate within its pages issues that David has explained throughout the book.

The first and final chapters are a personal journey for David; and an emotional one both for the author and the reader. David looks at the formative years of his work, the conflicts he faced with the passing of Jane Brown through breast cancer, and the strength gained from a new vision of the Happy Dream Project, which will offer hope to those struggling to come to terms with cancer and their own sexuality.


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