The ICASA Sexual Recovery Programme offers men, women and couples powerful, practical and effective tools within a gently evolving programme that helps to transform unhelpful early conditioning and develop a new relationship with oneself and others. It is a structured professional, therapeutic programme involving a partnership of considerable commitment, honesty and courage between client, therapist and (where appropriate) Surrogate Partner. The programme provides the opportunity to establish and maintain truly fulfilling intimate and sexual relationships and a peaceful, loving relationship with oneself.
While fear of intimacy may result from background factors and early life conditioning, the solution and a permanent lifelong recovery does not necessarily come from an exhaustive analysis of the causes. Instead, what has been shown to be most effective is a current, direct experience of the healing power of intimacy in the present.
The ICASA Ten-Step Programme is a sexual therapy paradigm suited to the current age of human consciousness and has proven efficacy in healing intimacy and sexual problems over the last twenty years in therapeutic practice in the UK. It is a blending of western and eastern spirituality, sexuality and esoteric psychology.
The ICASA model includes transformation and healing at all levels of the psyche including the mind, emotions and the body.
Step 1:
Discover how to consciously let go of controlling patterns and open to trust. This step is foundational and transformative; creating inner mental and emotional changes for eliminating anxiety within the context of intimacy.
Step 2:
Connecting with Love and experiencing the art of the deeper intimate caress. Intimate communication and non-sexual caressing exercises are practised.
Step 3:
Discovering beauty in the body and healing inhibitive self-consciousness. This step is transformative in terms of how the physical body, beauty and pleasure is perceived and expressed. Nudity is experienced at a conscious level and within a safe and deeply honouring environment.
Step 4:
Expressing intimate pleasure and releasing blocked energy in the body. This step concludes with intimacy practices involving full-body caressing excluding breasts and genitals. The energy experience during the steps of the program may best be described as sensuality as distinct from sexuality.
Step 5:
Revealing the beauty and the mystery of male and female genitals. Healing past wounds or hurts and eliminating insecurities relating to genitals.
Step 6:
Connection with sexual energy. Experiencing sexual energy and learning how to let go of the need to control.
Step 7:
Mutuality. Sharing sexual energy; energising the body; mutuality and outercourse.
Step 8:
Identifying the desire and the level of arousal for lovemaking. Sensuous showering; condom confidence; overcoming problems; lovemaking with containment.
Step 9:
Lovemaking. Connection; maintaining mutual pleasure, honour and enjoyment; overcoming shutting down, splitting off; experiencing orgasm and intimacy following lovemaking.
Step 10:
Beyond Therapy. Creating your new life; conscious closure to your healing process; a step of courage into your new future…
The ICASA Sexual Recovery Programme is always effective in appropriate cases and is always successful in resolving the presenting complaints. It works in a similar way to teaching somebody to swim or to ride a bike. The initial belief of the student is that they are likely to drown or fall off the bike if they try to perform those tasks on their own, and this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Performance anxiety or fear of intimacy works in a similar way. The client may also have had negative experiences to reinforce their self doubts. Just as in the case of teaching somebody to swim or ride a bike, the student requires instruction and practical help.